DoneIt - Digging In
Released on: 2014-03-12

Today I show you how to do all the day-to-day stuff to really take advantage of doneIt for time tracking.

Add tasks

Tasks are what you do. I've found that having a small number of generic tasks and being specific in the comments section has worked best for me. Therefore I don't find myself adding tasks very often, but if you need to, here are the features to do it.

$ doneit --help='^--(add|list)Task'

Available features:

--addTask ~ macro,doneit,task,all,Macro (Macro)

  Add a task. --addTask=name,[who],description,[context][,update,silent] . IF there is already a task with the same name, the request will be rejected and an error displayed to debug0. However if update is specified in that sitution, the existing entry will be updated to match the request. Alternatively silent can be specified to make it silently ignore the request. If context is not set it will default to "work". 

--listTasks, --tasks ~ macro,doneit,all,Macro (Macro)

  List tasks.

Amend entries.

Amending entries allows you to make changes when you see something wrong. It's also a great tool enabling you to simply fill in the details later if you need to get on with a task at hand.


complements this and will be discussed next week.

$ doneit --help=--amend
Available features:
--amendDid, --amend ~ macro,doneit,all,Macro (Macro)
Amend the details of something you've done. --amendDid=[taskName],[who],[comment]

Resume tasks.


allows you to search for a task and simply resume it without having to type it again verbatim. Making sure they match like this without typos really helps with doing analysis later on.

Remove/undo a task.

This should not form part of your normal day-to-day usage. I use it when I've made a mistake in the timing of an entry.

$ doneit --help='(deleteDid|removeLastDid)'

Available features:

--deleteDid ~ macro,doneit,did,all,Macro (Macro)

  Delete something you did (in DoneIt) . eg --listDids --first --deleteDid 

--removeLastDid ~ macro,doneit,all,Macro (Macro)

  Remove the last recorded did. You do not need to search to use this feature. Use with caution.

Query time spent on stuff.

You can use all the normal querying abilities that Achel provides. This will be detailed fully in a future episode, but for now these will get you started

$ doneit --help='^--(first|lastR|require|exclude)'

Available features:

--requireEach, --refine ~ array,result,Manipulations,all,Manipulator (Manipulator)

  Require each entry to match this regular expression. --requireEach=regex

--requireItem ~ array,result,Manipulations,all,Manipulator (Manipulator)

  Require a named entry in each of the root entries. A regular expression can be supplied to provide a more precise match. --requireItem=entryKey[,regex]

--excludeEach, --exclude ~ array,result,Manipulations,all,Manipulator (Manipulator)

  The counterpart of --requireEach. Excludes any item that contains an entry that matches the regular expression. --requireEach=regex

--excludeItem ~ array,result,Manipulations,all,Manipulator (Manipulator)

  The counterpart of --requireItem. Excludes any items wherre a named entry matches the specified regex. --excludeItem=entryKey[,regex]

--firstResult, --firstResults, --first ~ result,Manipulations,all,Manipulator (Manipulator)

  Take the first x results, where x is one if not specified. --firstResult[=x]

--lastResult, --lastResults, --last ~ result,Manipulations,all,Manipulator (Manipulator)

  Take the last x results, where x is one if not specified. --lastResult=x

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