Every morning I look up at the ceiling and see a fuzzy representation of the world below. Light hits the objects and bounces off in various directions. Some of it hits my curtains, and just a tiny bit of it hits a hole in my curtains, which behaves like a pin-hole camera to produce this fuzzy image.
This morning I set my camera on a tripod with a timer and held a magnifying glass between the curtains and the ceiling to focus the image. The only thing holding back the clarity of the photos was my ability to hold the magnifying glass still for the 2 second exposure. And so we see my neighbors' red classic VW beetle.
Here I've used the magnifying glass to get better focus, however if I had a much tighter hole, I would be able to get a picture much closer to the to what the magnifying glass can do using only the hole. I would however have a lot less light so the exposure would have to be a whole lot longer.
If you'd like a deeper understanding, the wikipedia entry is well worth a read. Maybe this will give you some motivation to have a go.
Above: Imported image from the old system
Above: Imported image from the old system
Above: Imported image from the old system
Above: Imported image from the old system