Over the last several years, I’ve done very little with the FunnyHacks brand, averaging a couple of posts per year. Largely it was due to a lack of spare time to do cool stuff. But it was also that the FunnyHacks brand was placing an unnecessary limit on the sorts of projects that I wanted to be doing. I remember getting the notification for this comment one morning:
Above: A comment on a video that reads: For an adult, this dude has got a lot of time to waste. Not funny at all.
While I’m sure that there are better ways that this could be said. There was some truth to it not being Funny, particularly as you cross cultural boundaries (You just need to see how poorly the laugh track on exported sitcoms matches what people actually laugh at to see this in action.) Yet the “Funny” was pretty central to the branding…. The left half of it, to be precise. So while I try not to let the less porly worded feedback get to me; it did trigger a long train of thought as to what I wanted to do with the brand and where I wanted to go.
I also took a lot of time to think about what I did well with FunnyHacks, and what I didn’t. Things like:
Interestingly, which combination of attributes is strong in any given FunnyHacks video depends on which videos you look at. For example, I find my presentation style in my earlier videos much harder to watch than my more recent ones. But, I like the editing and creativity much more. So I’m taking all of that into account while creating the RandomKSandom series.
Just over a week ago, I released the first episode of the new RandomKSandom series, along with some bonus material. It covers my home office, which I love.
So what happens to FunnyHacks now? It’s not going away any time soon. My main focus is going to be RandomKSandom for the foreseeable future. But when I have something that would be better suited to the FunnyHacks brand, I’ll release it here. My current expectation is that it will be at a similar frequency to what it has been for the last few years. Ie a few times a year. So it’s worth staying subscribed so you don’t miss what’s coming.
But for now; my focus is on RandomKSandom, and possibly a bit more ;-)